
Demo: 3D graph reporter plugin for dependency-cruiser (issue #458)

dependency-cruiser's internal graph with bald nodes

Plugin source here: ./3d-reporter-plugin.js


sample: dependency-cruiser

# for 'local' plugins we need to specify the absolute path
npx depcruise bin --include-only "^(bin|src)" --output-type plugin:$(pwd)/3d-reporter-plugin.js > 3d-graph.html

Results (interactive html):

sample: react

# again: specify absolte path to the plugin
npx depcruise packages --include-only "^(packages)" --output-type plugin:$(pwd)/3d-reporter-plugin.js > 3d-graph.html

Result (interactive html): react’s module graph - nodes are ‘bald’. Warning: > 4000 modules and > 10000 dependencies in 4Mb of html.